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Project partner - InfoEck

The InfoEck der Generations is a contact point for information on every situation in life. The client is the state of Tyrol. Various offers such as advice and workshops are part of their work and take place in a technically sound manner. The InfoEck of Generations empowers the different age groups and provides information so that everyday life can be lived competently. The various offers for each person aim to unite generations and promote integration and diversity.


The different locations:

  • InfoEck Innsbruck

  • InfoEck Wörgl

  • InfoEck Imst


From the right. Ph.D. Christopher Bindra and the team of students Philomena Cede, Sophie Stolte, Salka Horstmann, Noémie Esch in front of the InfoEck bar at Bozner Platz in Innsbruck. 

InfoEck. (2022). InfoEck.
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